介绍:HSK 是一项国际汉语能力标准化考试,重点考查汉语非第一语言的考生在生活、学习和工作中运用汉语进行交际的能力。HSK 包括 HSK(一级)、HSK(二级)、HSK(三级)、HSK(四级)、HSK (五级)和 HSK(六级)
Hsk 1 :教材:HSK1标准课程 课时:30-34课时 一周两次课, 三个月 词汇量:150
HSK2:教材:hsk2 标准课程 课时:30-36 hour 一周两次课, 三个月 词汇量:300
Hsk3 :教材: hsk3标准课程 词汇量:35-40 一周两次课, 三个月 词汇量:600
Hsk 4 教材:hsk4 标准课程 课时:75-80 词汇量 1200 一周两次课 六个月
Hsk5 教材: hsk5标准课程 课时 170-180 词汇量 5000+ 一周两次课 一年多
Hsk1-hsk2: 听说读, 不要求写汉字
Hsk3-5 :听说读写, 要求开始学习认汉字,写汉字
课程形式: 一带一路汉语中心课程灵活, 依照因材施教的原则对学生进行培训,综合种种原因,开设线上线下相结合课程模式来更好的适应学生的学习需求。
通过 HSK(一级)的考生可以理解并使用一些非常简单的汉语词语和句子,满足具体的交际需求,具备进一步学习汉语的能力。
通过 HSK(二级)的考生可以用汉语就熟悉的日常话题进行简单而直接的交流,达到初级汉语优等水平。
通过 HSK(三级)的考生可以用汉语完成生活、学习、工作等方面的基本交际任务,在中国旅 游时,可应对遇到的大部分交际任务。
通过 HSK(四级)的考生可以用汉语就较广泛领域的话题进行谈论,比较流利地与汉语为母语者进行交流。
通过 HSK(五级)的考生可以阅读汉语报刊杂志,欣赏汉语影视节目,用汉语进行较为完整的演讲。
通过 HSK(六级)的考生可以轻松地理解听到或读到的汉语信息,以口头或书面的形式用汉语流利地表达自己的见解。
HSK Courses (hsk1-hsk4)
Introduction: HSK is an international standardized Chinese language proficiency test that focuses on the ability of candidates whose Chinese is not their first language to use Chinese for communication in life, study and work. hsk includes HSK (Level 1), HSK (Level 2), HSK (Level 3), HSK (Level 4), HSK (Level 5) and HSK (Level 6).
Our courses:
Hsk 1: Textbook: HSK1 standard course Duration: 30-34 hours Twice a week, three months Vocabulary: 150
HSK2: Textbook: hsk2 standard course Duration: 30-36 hours Twice a week, three months Vocabulary: 300
Hsk3: Textbook: hsk3 standard course Vocabulary: 35-40 hours twice a week, three months Vocabulary: 600
Hsk 4: Textbook: hsk4 standard course 75-80 hours Vocabulary 1200 twice a week, six months
Hsk5 Textbook: hsk5 standard course 170-180 hours Vocabulary 5000+ twice a week more than one year
Course type:
Hsk1-hsk2: listening, reading and writing Chinese characters are not required
Hsk3-5: listening, speaking, reading, writing and writing Chinese characters
Course Format: One Belt One Road Chinese Language Center has a flexible curriculum, which is based on the principle of teaching students according to their abilities, and for various reasons, we offer a combination of online and offline courses to better meet the learning needs of students.
Those who pass HSK (Level 1) can understand and use some very simple Chinese words and sentences to meet specific communicative needs and have the ability to learn Chinese further.
Candidates who pass HSK (Level 2) can communicate simply and directly in Chinese on familiar everyday topics, and reach an excellent level of elementary Chinese.
Those who pass HSK (Level 3) can use Chinese to perform basic communicative tasks in life, study and work, and can handle most of the communicative tasks they encounter when traveling in China.
Those who pass HSK (Level 4) can talk about a wide range of topics in Chinese and communicate with native speakers of Chinese relatively fluently.
Those who pass HSK (Level 5) can read Chinese newspapers and magazines, enjoy Chinese films and TV programs, and give more complete speeches in Chinese.
Those who pass HSK (Level 6) can easily understand the information they hear or read in Chinese and express their opinions fluently in Chinese in oral or written form.
教材:新丝路初级速成商务汉语I 新丝路初级速成商务汉语II
课程内容:以商务活动中简单的生活类任务为主,重在提高学习者从事与商务有关的社会活动的能力。I以日常生活话题为主, 例如自我介绍,简单购物, 时间表达,点餐,出行方式等II 以基本商务活动为主, 例如产品介绍,祝贺,致歉,邀请与应邀,员工请假等。
教材:新丝路中级速成商务汉语I 新丝路中级速成商务汉语II
教材:高级速成商务汉语I 高级速成商务汉语II
课程内容:选取真实的商务语料进行编写,进行听说读写的集中教学,使学习者通过学习可以比较自由,从容地从事商务工作。内容包括企业注册与介绍,投资贷款, 招商加盟, 招聘, 团队培训, 述职提职,品牌, 市场营销,财务, 广告宣传, 客户服务,投资理财等。
Business Chinese Course
Course Objective: The course aims to develop foreign business people’s practical ability of Chinese listening and speaking skills to learn and simulate the language environment of business activities as a starting point, to quickly master the Chinese language skills in business activities, and at the same time to help students to understand the Chinese national conditions, economic and trade policies and environment. It also helps students to understand China’s national conditions, economic and trade policies and environment. It increases the practice of cross-cultural communication and lays the foundation of language and culture for them to live and work in China.
Elementary Course:
Textbook: New Silk Road Elementary Intensive Business Chinese I New Silk Road Elementary Intensive Business Chinese II
Course content: The course focuses on diary life and business activities, these 2 parts. With an emphasis on improving learners’ ability to engage in business-related social activities. 1 focuses on daily life topics, such as self-introduction, simple shopping, time expressions, ordering food, travel methods, etc. 2 focuses on basic business activities, such as product introduction, congratulations, apologies, invitations and accept invitations, employee ask for leave, etc.
Intermediate Course:
Textbook: New Silk Road Intermediate Business Chinese I New Silk Road Intermediate Business Chinese II
Course content: covers tasks in both life and business categories. The content includes activities related to business Chinese, social tasks and common business tasks in business activities. For example, booking a room, making an appointment, exchanging money, renting a room, booking a flight, visiting a factory, having a meeting, making a quotation, making a delivery, acting as an agent, making a claim, signing a contract, etc.
Advanced Course:
Textbook: Advanced Intensive Business Chinese I Advanced Intensive Business Chinese II
Course Content: The course is written by selecting real business corpus and concentrating on listening, speaking, reading and writing, so that learners can engage in business work more freely and comfortably through learning. The content includes business registration and introduction, investment and loan, business recruitment, recruitment, team training, presentation and promotion, branding, marketing, finance, advertising, customer service, investment and finance, etc.
课程目标:随着中国的迅速发展, 来华旅游,观光的外国朋友越来越多,为了满足他们学习汉语,了解中国文化的需要,我们设计了一套专门针对想去中国观光旅游的外国友人的旅游汉语课程。
课程内容:一共分为16大主题:分别是1在飞机场,2丢行李, 3乘出租车,4丢包,5入住,6在房间,7打电话,8换钱,9发传真,10理发,11洗衣服务,12投诉, 13运动健身,14去游泳,15准备离开,16退房。
一共16个课时,完成本课程后, 您可以更放心自在的开启您的来华之旅。
Chinese for Tourism
Course Objective: With the rapid development of China, more and more foreign friends are coming to China for tourism and sightseeing. In order to meet their needs of learning Chinese and understanding Chinese culture, we have designed a set of travel Chinese courses specifically
for foreign friends who want to visit China.
Course content: There are 16 major topics:
1 at the airport,
2 losing luggage,
3 taking a cab,
4 losing a bag,
5 checking in,
6 in the room,
7 making a phone call,
8 changing money,
9 sending a fax,
10 getting a haircut,
11 laundry service,
12 making a complaint,
13 sports and fitness,
14 going swimming,
15 getting ready to leave,
16 checking out.
After completing this course, you will be able to start your trip to China with more confidence and comfort.
我们的孟语课程旨在帮助中国人在孟加拉国更好地融入当地社会和文化,提高他们的交流能力和生活质量。同时也有针对在孟企业家的。孟语速成培训,以及跨文化交流培训, 帮助在孟企业家更有效率的管理孟籍员工。课程内容包括基础语法、日常用语、商务用语等,涵盖了各个方面的实用内容。
课程内容:1. 学习基本的问候语和礼貌用语:包括打招呼、道别、感谢、道歉等。
2. 学习数字和计数:包括学习数字的读法和计数方式,以及货币单位等。
3. 学习日常生活用语:包括购物、用餐、交通、旅游等方面的常用词汇和表达方式。
4. 学习孟加拉国文化和习俗:包括节日、婚礼、葬礼等方面的文化和习俗,以及相关的词汇和表达方式。
5. 学习孟加拉国地理和历史:包括孟加拉国的地理位置、人口、历史背景等方面的知识,以及相关的词汇和表达方式。
6. 学习孟加拉国政治和经济:包括孟加拉国政治体制、经济状况等方面的知识,以及相关的词汇和表达方式。
7. 学习孟加拉国宗教和文学:包括孟加拉国主要宗教和文学作品等方面的知识,以及相关的词汇和表达方式。
8. 学习孟加拉语音标和发音规则:包括孟加拉语的音标和发音规则,以及相关的练习和口语实践。
课程内容:1. 孟加拉国文化和习俗:介绍孟加拉国的文化和习俗,包括节日、婚礼、葬礼等方面的知识,以便企业家了解员工的文化背景和价值观。
2. 孟加拉国社会和经济:介绍孟加拉国的社会和经济状况,包括人口、教育、医疗、就业等方面的知识,以便企业家了解员工的生活环境和社会背景。
3. 孟加拉语基础知识:介绍孟加拉语的基本语法、词汇、发音和书写方式,以便企业家能够与员工进行基本的交流和沟通。
4. 孟加拉语口语实践:提供口语练习的机会,让企业家能够通过模拟真实场景来提高孟加拉语口语能力。
5. 员工管理技巧:介绍员工管理的基本技巧,包括沟通、激励、培训、评估等方面的知识,以便企业家能够更好地管理孟加拉员工。
6. 跨文化沟通技巧:介绍跨文化沟通的基本技巧,包括尊重、理解、包容、适应等方面的知识,以便企业家能够更好地与孟加拉员工进行沟通和合作。
7. 团队建设和领导力:介绍团队建设和领导力的基本技巧,包括目标设定、协作、决策、激励等方面的知识,以便企业家能够更好地领导和管理孟加拉员工团队。
- 员工培训和发展:介绍员工培训和发展的基本技巧,包括制定培训计划、评估培训效果、提供职业发展机会等方面的知识,以便企业家能够更好地促进孟加拉员工的职业发展。
Bengali Language course
China and Bangladesh are friendly neighbors linked by mountains and waters, and our people have a deep foundation of friendship throughout history. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the cooperation between China and Bangladesh in political, economic and cultural fields has been deepened and a series of remarkable achievements have been made. Therefore, learning Bengali is very necessary for Chinese people living and working in Bangladesh. Although English is a universal language, many people in Bangladesh do not know English or only know some basic words and phrases. Mastering Bengali, the official language of Bangladesh, can help Chinese people better integrate into the local society and culture and communicate with the local people in a deeper way. It can also help Chinese entrepreneurs to manage local employees in a better and more efficient way. In addition, learning Bengali can enhance cultural understanding and communication skills, and promote friendly exchanges and cooperation between China and Bangladesh. Therefore, learning Bengali is essential for Chinese people living and working in Bangladesh.
Our Bengali courses are designed to help Chinese people in Bangladesh to better integrate into the local society and culture, and to improve their communication skills and quality of life. There are also for entrepreneurs in Bangladesh. We also offer a crash course in Bengali, as well as cross-cultural communication training to help entrepreneurs in Bangladesh to manage their local staff more effectively. The courses cover a wide range of practical content, including basic grammar, dairy Bengali, and business Bengali.
Through our Bengali courses, students will be able to better adapt to the Bangladeshi living and working environment and better communicate with the local people. At the same time, they will also be able to enhance their cultural understanding and communication skills, and promote friendly exchanges and cooperation between China and Bangladesh.
Course: Crash Course in daily Bengali
Course content:
1. Learn basic greetings and polite phrases: including greeting, saying goodbye, thanking, apologizing, etc.
2. learning numbers and counting: including learning how to read and count numbers, and monetary units, etc.
3. Learning daily Bengali: including common vocabulary and expressions for shopping, dining, transportation, travel, etc.
4. Learning Bangladeshi culture and customs: including culture and customs of festivals, weddings, funerals, etc., as well as related vocabulary and expressions.
5. Learning Bangladesh geography and history: including knowledge of Bangladesh’s geographical location, population, historical background, etc., as well as related vocabulary and expressions.
6. Study of Bangladesh politics and economy: including knowledge of Bangladesh’s political system, economic situation, etc., as well as related vocabulary and expressions.
7. study of Bangladeshi religion and literature: including knowledge of the main religions and literary works of Bangladesh, as well as related vocabulary and expressions.
8. Study of Bengali phonetic symbols and pronunciation rules: including knowledge of the phonetic symbols and pronunciation rules of Bengali, as well as related exercises and oral practice.
Course: Sino-Bangla Intercultural Communication and Management
Course content: 1. Bangladeshi culture and customs: Introduce Bangladeshi culture and customs, including knowledge of festivals, weddings, funerals, etc., so that entrepreneurs can understand the cultural background and values of their employees.
2. Bangladesh society and economy: Introduce the social and economic situation of Bangladesh, including knowledge of population, education, health care, employment, etc., so that entrepreneurs can understand the living environment and social background of their employees.
3. Basic knowledge of Bengali language: Introduce the basic grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and writing style of Bengali language so that entrepreneurs can communicate with their employees in a basic way.
4. Bengali Speaking Practice: Provides opportunities for speaking practice so that entrepreneurs can improve their Bengali speaking skills by simulating real-life scenarios.
5. Employee management skills: Introduce the basic skills of employee management, including communication, motivation, training, evaluation, etc., so that entrepreneurs can better manage Bengali employees.
6. Cross-cultural communication skills: Introduce the basic skills of cross-cultural communication, including knowledge of respect, understanding, tolerance, and adaptation, so that entrepreneurs can better communicate and cooperate with Bangladeshi employees.
7. Team building and leadership: Introduce the basic skills of team building and leadership, including knowledge of goal setting, collaboration, decision making, motivation, etc., so that entrepreneurs can better lead and manage teams of Bangladeshi employees.
8. Employee Training and Development: Introduce the basic skills of employee training and development, including knowledge of developing training plans, evaluating training effectiveness, and providing career development opportunities, so that entrepreneurs can better promote the career development of Bangladeshi employees.